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What’s Next??

Posted: January 12, 2022

*Healthcare: Open Enrollment has been extended until January 15th.  Current policy holders can submit changes to their existing plan or submit a NEW plan.  Once the 15th has passed, you will not be able to make any plan changes.  NEW policies submitted during this time will take effect February 1st.

*Medicare: Medicare Supplement policy holders ages 65-75 have the option to change to another Medicare Supplement plan without requiring underwriting approval.  To qualify for the Birthday Rule, you must enroll in a plan with the same or lesser benefits.  The change must be done within 45 days AFTER your birthday. 

*Medicare: Medicare Advantage policy holders are currently in a second Open Enrollment period until March 31st.  During this time, you can change to another Medicare Advantage Plan.

*Auto/Home Insurance: Many policies renew during the month of January.  When reviewing rates consider these tips:

+Always review the total package (i.e. home and auto).  Often, some carriers will have a better rate on the home as opposed to the auto however, the total calculation needs to be reviewed when determining the best scenario. 

+Make sure you are matching coverages.  Some carriers are notorious for removing full coverage to reduce the rate.  Sadly, some people do not realize that until they have an accident.  Full coverage means the carrier will fix your vehicle in the event of an at fault accident.  On the flip side, liability only means your vehicle is NOT getting fixed in the event of an at fault accident.

*Life Insurance: With the start of the New Year, many will review their financial goals for the year and discuss any gaps.  Many people will not buy Life Insurance because they overestimate the cost of a policy. Costs depend on a number of factors, including your health, age, tobacco use, and gender.  As one example, a healthy 35-year-old male can expect to pay about $20 per month for $250,000 on a 30-year term.

*Business Insurance: We’ve received LOTS of calls lately regarding employees injured on the job.  A workers compensation policy provides wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured as a result of their job.  Premiums are based on the annual payroll and type of work performed.