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2022 Goals

Posted: January 21, 2022

“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.”-Andrew Carnegie

While setting my 2022 goals, I realized I have not shared them in the past and while my goals do not necessarily provide education about a certain insurance product it does provide insight to the type of office I have.  Making them public also puts a form of accountability on me, forcing me to accomplish these goals.

  •  Create written process for quoting and maintaining the database
  • Create activities to promote team growth
  • Analyze technology to increase productivity
  • Implement initiatives for employees
  • Focus on account rounding
  • Social Media Marketing
    • *Analyze activity (website, FB, LI)
    • *Create educational videos
    • *Ask for reviews/testimonials (Jan and June)
  • Set time to focus on the business/administrative responsibilities.
    • *Analyze productivity
    • *Reconcile commission
    • *Send Thinking of You cards